Whenever budget arises there are some truths that I now accept as "norms".
First, cuts of any kind are not fun - someone is affected either directly - through job loss or indirectly through learning to do more with less resources.
Second, unions need to represent their members so they won't like job cuts or changes or re-alignments.
Third, parents don't get involved until they see how it affects them and in most cases this is post-implementation and so TOO late.
Fourth, somehow it's never been enough and the next year there is more cuts!
Fifth, how do we measure impact on students to know what the right decisions are?
Sixth, it was hard when we controlled our own budget and tax increases and IMPOSSIBLE when we control neither!
Seven, how can one work within a pre-set formula when our students are NOT widgets. How do we advocate for more flexibility?
Eight, why is this the most stressful thing I do? and yet I barely get more than a few parents to attend sessions about budget or potential cuts. How do I get good feedback?
Nine, why is the sky always falling? Somehow we are doing better with less! I think this is a testament that we hire better and better and the people in the schools are making significant contributions without any more recognition.
So we over spend on a LOT of budget lines - my view points on the proposed cuts will be in future comments.
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