Saturday, 10 March 2012

Budget Update March 2012

So it almost seems like deja vu - here we have a different government (Liberals) but it's as if we are back in the Tory land in 1997 - so how did that happen?

Well we TDSB - have never balanced our books - when the Tory's put us under a supervisor - he couldn't balance our books.

Do we overspend? Sure but a lot of things we overspend on is because we are trying to help kids - not because we're trying to line someone's pocket!

We overspend on paraprofessionals so what does that mean? Almost every week I talk to parents who are frustrated that our process for Special Needs identification is LONG and onerous - and yet we are already overspending. The longer these students are not identified and dealt with the less chance they have for success. So this is a hard line not to over spend on this line for me.

There are other lines like Principals and Vice Principals that we overspend on - according to the government BUT in an urban and low income setting this is hard not to have as well as the issues are different than rural and middle and high income earners.

We still have MANY kids come to school hungry and we feed almost half of our student population which is telling of the local struggles which does not fit into a static out of date funding model.

When will a government learn and listen that a one size fits all funding model does not work?

We need real dialogue - it's been too long living in a false economy and now that we are facing an $85 million pitfall what do we do?

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