Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Pecha Kucha

So I had the privilege of attending something new last night - something I had never seen or heard about before called a Pecha Kucha.
So what is it?
Teachers were asked to present for no longer than 6 minutes with a minimum of 15 slides and maximum of 20 slides. This ensured that the pace was fast and engaging.
Topics were random and were selected based on personal passion. So we heard about the challenges of social media in the classroom, how to engage learners using e-learning, how to learn online, the challenges of being a principal - all interesting topics.
One of the downsides is of course there is no questions and answers - it really is to simply engage the thinking.
I do love the creativity of it to engage a conversation which led to many interesting conversations since.
I'm trying to figure out how to engage this at home - open to suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. Here is Jeanette's presentation.


    I was so proud of her doing that at almost no notice- no time for pre pecha kucha news.

    Keep in touch

