Thursday, 20 October 2011

EPS - Educational Positioning System

So I'm a big fan of 360 reviews - that's where a person get feedback from their direct reports, their boss, their customers, their peers; and the purpose is to understand what you do well and where you can do better.
Since I'm a fan of these I have also been a fan of what we refer to as - District Reviews as they are a review of our schools and again the goal is to review what is working and what needs to be improved.

The challenge I have seen with the District Reviews is that they are VERY labour intensive. The outcomes are worth it as there are always things to improve but more importantly it is great to get positive feedback about what you are doing well.

So CORE in New Zealand has created EPS - which seems to be very similar to our District Reviews. It is a series of 72 questions which is answered by Admin, Support Staff, Teachers and you can add parents, students and the community at large.

The answers are asked in a series of ways to validate the answers.

Once all the surveys have been completed the reports that is issued gives you a lot of data from what you are doing well, how to improve and what improvement would look like.
As well you are given information of the ranges between the answers - which gives you some idea on the differences of perception.

Well there is a cost, I think the actual cost would be significantly less than what we are spending on district reviews.
Of course there is still some coaching and face to face meetings required to do the Improvement Plans.

This is something I think we should pilot to see if it's effective for TDSB.

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